Chased by Otter!

And Kymry comes of age.
Eighteen. Kym turned eighteen yesterday. College apps are in the works. This lovely woman/girl who has been my daughter for just a few short years is getting ready to fly. She is doing it so sensibly, testing her wings before jumping off the branch, examining them for possible modification. I am so impressed. I jumped without caring if my wings were ready or not. She is not sure she is ready, but she is. Happy birthday, Kym.

Nature Log: Chased by Otter

Walking through the woods from the South Ridge trail of Cadillac Mountain in Otter Creek we had to go around the paths, they were so full of water. Cutting through the mossy woods, a late Sunday afternoon, sun piercing the woods in rays, the quite was broken by a running animal, I looked, amazed, at a beautiful otter, running away from us. I called to Dennis, but he had heard it and stopped, and was watching as well. “ oh a camera” I wailed, the otter had stopped and turned, his beautiful otter face peering at us. I had never seen one so close. he was about 15 feet behind me, Dennis about 20 feet ahead of me. And he stated to run right at me. A funny bounding, determined advance. I backed up, he came on. I caught up with D. and we turned to look. The otter stopped and looked at us. We started to walk on, he began to chase us. We stopped and turned, he stopped, then came after us. we zigged, he zigged. We zagged, he zagged after us. Dennis picked up a long branch, and fenced with it, keeping the otter from getting closer than five feet. What on earth did he want? It was not an aggressive attack, but it was very determined, he wanted SOMETHING! I’ll probably never be chased by an otter again, but I am glad I was.

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